About us

The Essex County Wine Society (“ECWS”) is a member-based organization founded in New Jersey in 1972 and incorporated in 1973. The purpose of the society "includes the education and instruction of its members in the wines and vineyards of the world."

We look forward to welcoming you to a future event, open to wine lovers and those wine curious. No specific knowledge or sophistication concerning wine is needed – just an interest in learning about wine. All are welcome to events (membership is by invitation to those who have attended 3+ events).

ECWS tastings are held monthly from October through December and February through April. We host wine-themed dinners in September and May where we feature selections from our carefully curated cellar stocked with older vintages of excellent wines.

Tastings are usually held in Montclair, N.J. Current tastings are listed on the events page.

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Current Officers

President Angela DeLuca ECWSPresident@gmail.com
Past President Nuris Portuondo
1st Vice President Stacey Rudbart
2nd Vice President Marjorie Wong
Digital and Social Media Alli Meyer
Secretary Pat Haveron
Treasurer John Bachmann ECWSNJTreasurer@gmail.com
Trustee Gil Bauer
Trustee Joel Mitchel
Trustee Susan Harris

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